Greetings, readers.
I don’t have an awful lot to say about myself as I’m fairly private about my life but some things will become obvious from what I write. I was inspired to write by the works of Erenisch, and spent a long time reading their work before trying it myself. What I write I write for me, if other people happen to enjoy it then that’s a happy accident.
What I will tell you are things you can either intuit by reading what I write, or things that can be googled. Yes, I am British, and while I may write a mixture of characters some colloquialisms and spellings will be British. These are not mistakes, just part of who I am. Most of my early stuff can be found on the Erenisch Comics Forum although you will need to register to see it.
If you wish to contact me please use Twitter or send a message on the Erenisch Comics Forum, I do not respond to direct messages on Literotica. I currently do not take commissions, or requests but if an idea tickles my brain I may well do something with it.